• 300-795 Main Street Moncton NB E1C 1E9
  • فارسی
CRM software for Sirjan Special Economic Zone
  • Date
  • Client
    Sirjan Special Economic Zone
  • Category
    web application
  • Address

CRM software for Sirjan Special Economic Zone

  • Programming and development of CRM web application project of Sirjan Special Economic Zone Organization
  • Carrying out the project in June 1402
  • In this project, the powerful #C programming language is used under the three-layer MVC architecture of Microsoft
  • The database of this project is SQL server 2019
  • Skills and tools used: ASP.NET Core 6.0, SQL server, CSS, Java Script, Jquery, HangFire, RabbitMQ


نرم افزار CRM منطقه ویژه اقتصادی سیرجان


نرم افزار CRM منطقه ویژه اقتصادی سیرجان


نرم افزار CRM منطقه ویژه اقتصادی سیرجان